Februar 14, 2012

Swiss alps and something NEW

 Welcome to the latest news from Ticino.

   What a decision-making procedure!
The alps are covered with snow and we couldn't decide where to go, Ticino-Bleau-Ticino-Bleau-Frankenjura-Harz-Bleau and finally: Ticino. 
In the end, we decided right! The weather was great, the sky blue and the crew motivated as never before.

I could climb one of my all time favorite classics, the Vitruvian Man. Roof-climbing at crimps and finally a jump. All ingredients who definitely doesn't suit me well. What an epic fight!

At the blocks with old friends, you always know, the trip will be unforgotten. We had a lot of fun!

Something NEW

 Some of you might be wondering about, what is this guy doing the whole time? My answer would be quit easy: Bouldering! ;) No question, it's obvious that only bouldering wouldn't satisfy you or fills up your wallet [except from a few strong guys we all inspired by].
Times are changing, and right now I'm really psyched for my new longtime project: "Back to school"! (But hence in front of the class)

Aloa, Kaier.

PS: The fact that I'm not fulltime-bouldering anymore, doesn't mean that I break up with it!

1 Kommentar:

Jens hat gesagt…

wie immer ein kleiner feiner Bericht mit super Bildern ... viel Erfolg in der Schule