The last days could be abstract with one word: wet! To sit inside and hear the drissle of the rain is conna be the worst case for a climber, and even more for a climber with a maximum of spare time :). Therefore I couldn't hang out in my flat anymore. I had to go out and touch some rock. As a positive side-effect of this weather desaster, I was well rested and had good skin. So I picked up Paule and we take our way to the Frankenjura. At arrival, we notice that Paule has gonna forgotten his incredible relaxing-chair, and I left my camera at home. Bad!!! But on the other hand, we both thought of to entrain beer :D. So this ought to be a good omen for a perfect bouldering day!!!
Our goal was my project 'Rinnsal des Lebens'. After short time Paule could make all of the 15 moves and was badly psyched about this great fridge-line. But to figure out the movements and right body possitions cost him to much energy, so he couldn't make a seriously go at this day.
For me, it was my fifth day thereon. On my fist go of the day I fall out of shortly after the middle sequence. After that I felt so tired and pumped, so I resolved to make a really long rest prior the second attempt. 30 min later I fall out of at the same point as before, cause my fingers were to cold and insensible from the long rest :). 5 min later I run into my thrid go and shortly after I find my self happy at the finish jug. YEEEHHAAAA!!!
The rest of this great day end with the lot of beer we've packed in the car :D.
Now I'm about to leave to the Zinne (Dolomiten), because of that it's a great feeling of relief to not leave this problem undone. Currently my mind is free to enjoy a great time in the multipitch business.
Hopefully I could present some better pictures from this awesome boulder later!
Cu, Kaier.
3 Kommentare:
nice - probs for one of the best lines in fj - keep on crushing
Saustark Keule! Bin auf die Bilder gespannt.
jetzt is er international^^
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